Thursday, January 10, 2013

Loop Scarf + Little Miss Hads

Taking pictures this week has been a little hard due to my photographer{AKA dad} is out of town . So, this is the best I can do to document my look yesterday on my three day into the Challenge. 
The loop scarf look {I told you I make up my own fashion slang}
Now something that is so much more cuter.....
this little face of little miss Hadlee
Button Up: Ralph Lauren / Vest: Old Navy / Jeans: Gap / Boots: The Children's Place

Who couldn't love this little face?

Peace out


  1. Great scarf on you and how cute is she all styled up! If I ever have a girl I'm going to go broke!

  2. Ha I have been having a hard time getting photos, too! It sucks when you work til 5 and you get off and it is already dark out. Ready for summer already!

    xo, Amy

  3. awww Hadlee is the most stylish little peanut ever! Seriously, she dresses better than i do half the time haha. i'm dying over that miniature fur vest. and isn't it the worst when your photographer skips out on you?! mine is my brother and i have to bribe him with burgers haha

  4. she is a little fashionista !!!gorgeous!!
    maybe you would like to follow each other?


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