
Sunday, May 19, 2013


Four years ago I married this handsome man!
Not sure how I got so lucky to find such an amazing guy that loves me and most importantly gets me. I remember before being married I thought that it was going to be a fairytale, ya know just like ALL the movies. I am proud to say that is completely false, it is not the fairytale like you see in the movies, it is ten times better. I am the first to admit that we fight, argue, scream, and cry{me} but if we didn't then we wouldn't haven grown into what we are today and what we will become tomorrow. 
Like I mentioned before Pete gets me. He knows how to deal with my meltdowns. He has learned to let me go all out on holidays, party's, decorating ect. without telling me I am crazy and doing whatever it takes to to make it everything I imagine. He lets me live my dreams and is right there by my side while I do them. He shares my passion for travel and is always up for new adventures. He is willing to make sacrifices to make me happy. He works full time, does school full time, gets in his flying hours all while being the husband and dad that we need him to be. He trust me. He lets me go shopping as much as I want{need} because he trusts me with our money.  He always lets me be me. I couldn't have asked for anyone more perfect for me then this guy!
I love you babe! Happy Anniversary I can't wait to see what the next years brings us.


  1. Happy Anniversary !
    visit me :

  2. Yay! Happy Anniversary!

  3. Your. Dress! How beautiful. Congrats on 4 years!



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