
Thursday, October 18, 2012

My little Miss {Child Style}.....

This is her "pose"

Dress: Gap

Can I just say I am obsessed with this little Missy! I mean really who couldn't be! She is at that age where she does and says the funniest things. Some things I probably should be laughing about but I just can't help it. Up till the last few months getting her picture taken was not her favorite thing. That has all changed, not only does she always say, "Take my picture" she has now got her own "pose" & yelled, "CHEEEEEEEESE".
Oh Gosh I just love her!
Anyways, on a different note I love dressing her. Way back when{a few months ago} I did a post on child fashion which I hope to be better at doing because lets be honest who doesn't want to look at cute kids in cute little clothes? All I got to say is why are little clothes so much cuter, it makes it so hard to turn it down!

Happy Thursday!


  1. What a little fashionista! So flippin' precious!!

  2. How darn cute! She is absolutely adorable and quite possibly a future fashion blogger :) My 7 year old does poses and asks to take pictures for the blog too. Heather

  3. HOly cow she is too cute! I need to see her more!

  4. she is seriously adorable!! I love her "pose". Girls are so fun aren't they??!! :)

  5. SOOOO CUTE!!! You and her remind me of my cousin and her daughter - both blonde & blue eyes, and so photogenic!


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