
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

{guest post} Happiness is.....

So to start out lets just say I love being married and being a mom..... seriously wouldn't trade it for the world. However, I do have those days where I wish I could go back to my college days. Seriously, I have no regrets {except dating stupid boys}. I lived it up. I had no fears. Hardly any responsibilities. And I played Hard. One of my favorite blogs is Sara from 'Happiness is'. I have known her for many years now and she is such a cute and fun girl. Her blog makes me sure miss my college days! Follow along and I am sure you'll be hooked just like me.

Hey all you cute readers of 'A Girls Kind of Therapy!' My name is Sara over at Happiness Is... I am pretty darn excited to be guest posting. Mallory is amazing which is quite obvious if you read her adorable blog. I have known her ever since I was little. She lived right down the street from me and ever since I have known her she as always been a fashionista. Whenever I need fashion ideas I always consult her blog.

My blog is about my typical life trying to survive college and holding on to my happiness. my life is full of hacking my roommates Facebook, shopping, youtube videos, family, boys and all the little daily thing that seem like happiness according to me. let me give you an example...Happiness to me is:

// orange juice. i could honestly drink gallons of it
// imagine dragons. i woke up listening to them, listened to them in the shower, listened to them on the way home, while i was running errands and I'm still listening to them. i can't seem to stop!
// kittens. maybe one day i will be one of those ladies. but as of now i just like to admire them.
// typing. i find it enjoyable, i try to have a competition with myself on how fast i can type.
// sweet afternoon naps
// shopping. i might be an addict
// cardigans and boots. i could wear them for the rest of my life and be satisfied.
// TOMS TOMS TOMS. they are all i seem to wear during summer and fall
// chewing gum i love the most
// family, they are 100% important to me
// when i wake up from the sun shining through my windows
// the sound of breaking a peppermint patty in half
// and tons of other things...

i hope you can all keep track of your happiness and maybe come follow along while i find mine! it tends to be contagious. so don't be afraid to pop over and say hello! id love it.

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