
Thursday, August 30, 2012

{Something Brought You Here} Guest Post

I am guest posting on one of my favorite blogs today about how to transition your Maxi from Summer to Fall.
Go check it out.

Top:Sally Deals {Barrowed from sis}
Sunnies:Steve Madden
Watch:Micheal Kors
Bracelets:Charlotte Russe,Juicy

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Little touch of gold........

We have made it half way through our week! 
This weekend is one I look forward to all's Swiss dayzz. If you haven't been I recommend going. It's a big shopping/craft weekend in Hebar Utah! Suggest leaving husbands and kids home..... It's a serious ladies shopping place that is packed! Can't wait to see what's the hot items this year!
Dress:Tj maxx 
Belt:Target {old} 
Watch: Target 
Bracelets: Target

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Why so much stress......

There is one day I stress each year.
That days happens to be picture day!
Why oh Why is it so stressful you may ask. I can't figure that out myself. Last night my side of the family which contained 19 Adults & 19 Kids decided to finally get family pictures done which I am sure you can imagine what it was like. I stress over family pictures with just my little family. There is just too much to stress about this event such as what to wear which is the #1 thing of course, keeping your kids clean from food, dirt, explosions until pictures are done, hoping that you are standing at the right angle so you don't look like you just ate a turkey dinner, keeping everyone in a good mood, and just the fact it feels like a one short thing. Is it just me feeling this way about picture?
Yesterday husband wasn't able to get off work early so I was left to get myself and Hadlee ready all by myself, which these days it isn't the easiest being that she can't hold still long enough to get her dressed. Not to mention I was out all afternoon looking for our outfits because of course I left it for the last minute. Sad thing is, I think its the stress that causes people from not getting family pictures done as offend as we would want.
 Has anyone figured out how to make this not so stressful? If so send your thoughts my way because I obviously haven't figured it out!

Monday, August 27, 2012

{Monday's Challenge}

Monday! Monday! Monday!
Not so much my favorite day except for the fact that its time for a new challenge.
Now just to get this straight I do not sew.....I have tried and tried. I wish I could say that I make my own clothes because seriously how cool would that be to make something that no one else had. In order to do that you would need some mad skills which I obviously lack big time. I can barely saw a straight line and that's after I have to have my mom thread the machine. Sad thing is, one of my goals in life is to learn to saw.  I got  a big problems there!
Week 4:
I challenge myself and ALL of you to make something this week that you can wear... ANYTHING! And of course you have to wear it!
Little nervous about this challenge and just warning you now, this may be ugly! :)
Hope you enjoy your week!

{P.S Thanks so all my readers, I have had amazing support this last month. I would love your feedback, anything that you want me to cover, challenges you want to throw at me, and any advice you can give. Either comment or email! I really appreciate you all!}

Friday, August 24, 2012

Yellow on Yellow......

If you miss this weeks challenge HERE it is!

I decided to try something other then all black or white.
I did throw in a Robin Egg blue belt just to throw things off a little.
Hopefully, everyone went out of their comfort zone and challenged themselves to a little something different!

Pants: Bershka
Top: Layers {old}
Shoes: Tory Burch
Purse: Dooney & Bourke
Sunnies: Steve Madden
Watch: D&G
Bracelets: H&M, F21
Necklace: Random boutique in California 

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

back to school.......

Till the season..... for back to school! I wish I was joining you all, well I guess I kinda am since husband is in school. We all know that every wife has written papers and stayed up late working on school projects for the husband, some more then others. This outfit is actually one of my faves.... I never did get a school jacket in high school... I guess this is my time to represent!{Wish there was a "T" on it}
Shorts: Express
Tee:Nordstroms Rack
Jacket:Forever 21
Hat: Old
Sunnies:Steve Madden
Shoes: TOMS
Necklace:Gift from Husband
Watch: Micheal Kors

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Who says......

Top: TJ Maxx
Bottoms: Nordstrom (Old)
Belt: Target
Shoes: Steve Madden
Watch: Micheal Kors
Bracelets: Juicy,etsy
Necklace:gift from husband, sisters

Who says you can't put two patterns together?

Monday, August 20, 2012

{Monday Challenge} OnE CoLoR........

Happy Monday!!
Guess what day it is..... Challenge day!
I love when I see people wear all one color. Its one of those looks that you take a double glance and as different as it is it looks great as long as its done right.
Week 3:
This weeks challenge is to give it a try, try to pair the same color together. Be creative, try bright colors not just your typical black. Can't wait to try this!
P.S If you have an idea on a challenge, please comment and let me know. I need ideas for the up coming weeks!

{Picture found on google}

{Picture found on google}

Sunday, August 19, 2012

{Guest Post} Summer Look

If you happened to miss out on my guest post at, dontcha worry......
I am here to tell you my beach must haves when I go to the beach!

Beach Favs 
Most important item is the sunscreen {Not SPF 6 either}. I learned the hard way, if I could take back my high school tanning days I totally would! Its not worth it guys! Don't worry you are still going to get a tan with sun screen on so WEAR IT! 
p.s the oil I use is this brand but it has SPF in it
For all of you planning last minute vacation before schools starts don't you worry you are the lucky ones! All the summer stuff is going on sale so they can bring in the fall lines. So now is your chance to get all those items you have had your eyes on all summer long at about 1/2 the price!
Here is a couple of my favorites on sale:

Be safe & enjoy those summer vacations!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Solid + Pattern...........

Tops: J Crew
Jeans: H&M
Shoes:Jessica Simpson
Purse: Dooney & Bourke
Sunnies: D&G
Bracelets: Nordstrom, Gift, Tiffany&co.,

Friday, August 17, 2012


Hate to admit but this challenge was easier then last week. I realized how many clothes I have that I don't wear. Don't worry that is going to change because look at this dress that has been abandoned for at least 6 years. The worst part about it is that it still had the tags on!
Hoped some of you found also dusted off those abandoned clothes in your closet and set them free!
Dress: Layers 
Shoes:?(got them at some random store in AZ)
Sunnies: Steve Madden
Watch:Micheal Kors
Bracelets:Juicy, Etsy
Necklace:Etsy (Gift from husband)

Happy Weekend!
Go enjoy it, you deserve it!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Can't Miss This......

If you have daughters/sisters/nieces/granddaughter don't miss out on this!
If you haven't already been, HURRY over to the South Town Expo Center for the Persnickety Huge Event Sale!! This is a Utah based company that has to die for clothing! This is a sale you don't want to miss. They have the cutest little girls clothes! I went this morning and fell in love with EVERYTHING! 
You still have time.... hurry over!
Also check out their website for the Fall line!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


So I have been asked, how do you choose what to wear everyday?
Some days are harder then others when choosing a outfit. I used to try on about 50 different things until deciding on the perfect outfit. But my husband can testify that I have gotten better. I usually start by picking out the bottoms. By picking out the bottoms that tells me which top is going to work and which direction I want to take the look. Some days I do start with my top if I have a particular one I know I want to wear. After pairing the two together then I move on with shoes & accessories, can't forget about those accessories. Take a glance at the mirror...maybe a couple of those and out the door I go!
Not going to lie, sometimes I hate the outfit I have on when I leave the house , some days I look down and say, "this so doesn't go. Some days, I am a major hot mess. But to be honest as long as you have the confidence in wearing what you are then whatever it is that you are wearing will look beautiful! At least that what I believe!
Peace out!

Pants: Old Navy
Blazer:Cotton On

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

All about the shoes....

Sometimes its all about your shoes! I find these gems the other day and feel in love! What goes better then glitter, gold & bows?
Jeans: Nordstrom Rack
Shoes: Ross
Necklace: F21
Watch:Micheal Kors
Bracelet: Juicy
Earrings: Nordstroms
Ring: H&M

Monday, August 13, 2012

My Fall Wish List + Challenge.....

Happy Monday!
Yup, its another week and I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend cause I know I sure did!
Well since today is Monday that means….
Time for a new challenge!
This weekend I attempted to clean out my closet. This is a very difficult chore for me because I can’t get ride of clothes. I just can't! I swear every time I finally part with an article of clothing it is always coming back in style and I find myself on a hunt to find one just like it. However, because I am a clothes hoarder I find many articles of clothing getting dust on them from sitting in my closet. So that being said I bet you can all guess what the challenge is this week!
Week 2:
This weeks Challenge is to dust off those unworn clothes that you have had in your closet for at least a year or more and show those babies off!!
Tone back in on Friday to see the results to what might be a hot mess!

On a little more exciting note, I may be getting a little more exciting for fall after finding these beauties! These are some of the items on my fall wish list, whats on yours?

My fall shoe list

fall must

Friday, August 10, 2012

My New Wardrobe......

If you missed the challenge here it is! 

I will admit that this started as a tough challenge. Everyday I would find myself looking through husbands side of the closet trying to figure out how I was going to make something work. I even considered sending him out shopping to get something I could wear, but.......don't you worry I didn't! I decided to start by just putting on one of his everyday shirts and seeing what I could do to make it work. To my surprised I actually fell in love! I am not sure how much he is going to like having his wife steal his clothes from now on. Since his shirts were too big, all I did was roll up the sleeves and tied a knot and Voila'! That simple and it just opened up my wardrobe.
I actually find a couple of other gems in his closet that I can't wait to show!
I hope you all joined me in this challenge and discovered that the "other" side of the closet is not all that bad. 
{Would love to hear what you found. Even send me some pictures at so I can show everyone else how you made it work.}

Jeans: Bershka
Shoes: Tj Maxx
Watch: Micheal Kors
Necklace: TJ Maxx
Ring: F21